Village Center Plan
The Cultus Lake Park Board (the “Board”) is undergoing a planning process to prepare a comprehensive plan for the Cultus Lake Park Village Centre. The Village Centre has been designated for redevelopment through Cultus Lake Park Plan Bylaw No. 1080, 2016 (PlanCultus) to allow for the evolution of the community. The planning process will explore the potential for additional commercial, residential, and community uses at the site to support the needs of a full-time community and growing number of summer visitors.
To learn more, please visit
Green Shores Shoreline Restoration Project
The Stewardship Centre for BC, in partnership with Cultus Lake Park is facilitating this project which aims to rehabilitate the shoreline and riparian zone, improving ecosystem health, enhancing habitat for species at risk, and providing a naturalized shoreline for community recreation and education. The project is located on the northwest shoreline of Cultus Lake, just off Lakeshore Drive by the outlet to Sweltzer Creek, and is planned for completion in Fall 2024.
To learn more, please visit